Industrial and transversal research for a new generation of professional VECs with high added value. Primary Project “Research on hydrogen fuel cell components and proof of concept”.

As part of the INVECPRO project, CSIC’s researchers from the Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV) and the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR) participate in the Primary Project “Research on hydrogen fuel cell components and proof of concept.” Its main objective is the development of a prototype hybrid device for energy storage and conversion for heavy electric and connected hydrogen vehicles (VECH2). To achieve this, the research focuses on: (i) individual components of hydrogen fuel cells; (ii) individual components of required storage devices and (iii) design, modeling, simulation, analysis and validation of the energy flow between the different components of the hybrid device and the use of this energy in electric vehicles.


Fagor Electrónica, S.Coop.

Principal Investigators:

Juan Rubio Alonso (ICV-CSIC); Raúl Mario del Toro Matamoros (CAR-CSIC)

Funding Agency:

Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PERTE). PERTE para el desarrollo del Vehículo Eléctrico y Conectado (PERTE VEC) 2022. (Referencia: VEC-020100-2022-244)